Mittwoch, Juni 02, 2010


Unsere Todsünde heute: Neid. Aber was will man auch machen wenn man in seinem Mailfach eine Einladung für eine Party in Barcelona bekommt?

"If you are attending the OHBM conference next week (or happen to be in Barcelona, and for some strange reason are not attending the OHBM conference), we would very much like to invite you to the Official MPI "Beach-side Gala" on Monday, June 7th, beginning at 8pm (please dress accordingly... think: Miami Vice meets Baywatch). It is going to take place at the Mochima Bar, located directly on the beach at Nova Mar Bella, near metro Selva de Mar (L4) -- approximately 20 minutes by public transportation from the conference venue. Please find the attached invitation with more detailed directions."

Naja vielleicht darf ich ja nächstes Jahr zur HBM (Human BrainMapping). :(
Befinde mich irgendwo zwischen traurig und wütend, müsste genauer nachforschen um rauszufinden was genau.


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